Graduate Admissions New User Access Form Provide the following information to have a new user created in the selected system(s). All fields are required and a new user cannot be created unless all information is provided. Loading...Is the new user a staff member with BGSU Graduate Admissions?YesNoNew User InformationFirst nameLast namePreferred nameBGSU emailBGSU IDOffice phoneMobile phoneTitleDepartmentAffiliationFacultyStaffStudent EmployeeOtherDescribe affiliationSystem Access & Access DescriptionWhat system(s) does this user need access to? *What system(s) does this user need access to? *SlateCSS (PeopleSoft)OnBaseUASMicrosoft TeamsOtherCopy a current user's access?YesNoFull name & BGSU email of user to copy.⚠️ Note: Graduate Admissions does not grant access to CSS (Campus Solutions / PeopleSoft) or OnBase document imaging systems. Contact ITS to request CSS access or Registration & Records to request OnBase access.Please list the Teams Channel(s).Please describe the other system(s).⚠️ CSS access requires a separate security request to be submitted. The new user, their supervisor, and other campus representatives must acknowledge the request and grant approvals. The CSS approval process can take 1-10 business days.⚠️ OnBase access requires the submission of an additional security form. Download, complete, and return the signed OnBase security form to Dustin.User's role/accessProgram(s)Supervisor InformationSupervisor of the individual access is being requested for.Full nameBGSU emailSubmitter InformationInformation of the person submitting this form.Full nameBGSU emailBGSU Policy AgreementPlease review the BGSU Information Technology & Data Use and Protection policies.I acknowledge that I (or the new user if submitting on their behalf) accept the BGSU Information Technology & Data Use and Protection policies.Submit